Selasa, 13 Desember 2011


Head Writer

Derek West

I like stereotypes. Most people do. Most people however won’t readily admit that they do like I just did. But I like stereotypes. I enjoy them. Now why I like them is what confuses me. It’s half because most of them are so ignorant that I find them hilarious. The other half is that I find it even more hilarious when they turn out to be true. Everyone knows stereotypes are funny. That’s why so many characters in the movies and TV shows we watch are stereotypical. Stereotypes = ratings & ticket sales. From the stereotypical white people in all those movies about holidays (last year’s “Valentine's Day” and this year’s “New Year’s Eve”) to pretty much everything that Tyler Perry has ever done. People like stereotypes. We live by them. We make our life rules based around them. We use them to entertain ourselves, and each other. We raise our children to base their lives around them. We can’t help it. It’s in our nature.

When I was in high school, I wrote, a lot. I wrote everything. I wrote poetry, I wrote raps, I even wrote a movie. Well once a good friend of mine (who will remain nameless) and myself wrote a series of skits and sketches. One was about an invisible Barbie doll. One was about a method of contraception that involved your penis possibly falling off. And one was titled “The Adventures of The Stereotypical Black Guy.” It was about a guy name Leroy who wore oversized Timberland boots, baggy jeans, a FUBU jersey, (It was the late nineties) had cornrows, owned a cell phone AND pager, and drove a busted, broken down car with nice rims and a good system. He would routinely do the “cabbage patch” when something good happened to him, he would say “DAMN!” every time something bad happened to him, and his favorite food was fried chicken. Now in hindsight this sketch was probably not only stereotypical but flat out racist, however I’m highlighting the fact that even young, and even being black, I was raised to find humor in stereotypes.
I don’t think anyone should take offense to stereotypes. They’re just as much a part of our culture in America as anything else is. I especially don’t think people should take offense when the stereotypes are true. We know all white people don’t dance with their thumbs up and while they bite their bottom lip. But let’s face it some of you do. We know not all black people can hoop. But some of you can. I’m simply saying that we shouldn’t be so quick to jump of the defensive based around silly preconceived ideas we have about one another. Do you really have the audacity to get mad over a stereotype if it’s true?
“He just assumed I smoked Newport’s because I’m black!” “Well what kind do you smoke?” “Well…Newport’s…but he shouldn’t have just assumed it!”
Do you see how silly that is? Bro either switch to Marlboro Smooth’s, or stop complaining. Everyone knows black people smoke Newport’s. That’s not to say that other races DON’T smoke them. But black people are MOST associated with them.


Some Asians are smart as hell, and I’ve met more than one that was dumb as a pile of logs. Some Jewish people enjoy saving their money, and I’ve partied with more than one Jewish person that loved to ball out. Some old people smell like Icy-Hot and mothballs, and some smell like…well they all smell like Icy-Hot and mothballs. My point is no one has to be a stereotype; we can all be who we want to be. If people want to judge us based on who they think we are, then it’s their loss because they’re missing out on who we really are. And that’s ok. It doesn’t make SOME stereotypes any more or less true. Hell you can even be a stereotype in some areas, and not one in others. Who cares? As long as you’re you, that’s all that matters.
Because at the end of the day, do you know what a stereotype is? It’s an empty opinion based on little to no fact. So why sweat them?

Sigh we love shows pretty white kids
with problems
So when the next movie based around and obscure holiday comes out, Like “Arbor Day” or “Earth Day” you take your loud black ass, and your trapper hatted Russian girlfriend to the theater in your police auction bought Crown Victoria with the fly rims to see it. Or when the next time Tyler Perry decides to set black people back another 20 years, you take your awkward goofy white ass, and your aqua netted hair having, fishnet stocking, cake layer makeup wearing Italian lover with you. And be proud of who you are. Stereotype or not. But make sure you stop and see your mean, old, bitter, denture wearing, Geritol smelling, liver spotted grandma at the home she’s in too. If you don’t she might have to tell your penny pinching, Jewish dad all about it. And you really don’t want him to relay it to your overbearing, judgmental, fish catching, igloo building Eskimo mother. Or worse your cowboy scalping, rain dancing, feather wearing Native American Uncle. Because he can’t keep a secret, so he’ll of course tell your software programming, in bound call taking Indian cousin, who will have to call your lisp having, jazz hand displaying, disco dancing gay brother. And once he finds out…it’s all bad…

Follow me on twitter @FindingDerek


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